testing destination

The capital city of Penang is definitely a place to venture if you are eager to explore a city full of cultural wonders in Malaysia; exhibiting a vibrant mixture of modern lifestyle, foods, shop lots and photography spots.

There are at least 12, 000 buildings in Georgetown recognised by UNESCO including the colourful Chinese shop houses, jetties, churches, mosques, temples, and even British colonial buildings.

House of Murals, Arts and Food

Two of the world-known artists, Ernest Zacharevic and Julia Volchkova displayed their arts in between the small roads of Georgetown, painted on the walls of classic buildings. The history of Georgetown and its residents is also depicted on murals and arts all around the city, including more than 50 iron caricatures – or more known as the street arts.

Tourists are advised to use the street art maps for a more streamlined experience of exploring the unique Georgetown – the map will direct you to the entire mural paintings on the streets. The pedestrian-friendly town is also famous for both old and new coffee shops. You can choose to visit the classic kopitiam or head to one of those quirky cafes that offer assorted coffees and delicacies, some of the cafes even portray a theme of artsy vibes.


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